Unaccompanied migrant youth: design and complementarities between labor, mental health, and community interventions

This exploratory proposal addresses a significant policy gap concerning unaccompanied migrant youth (UMY) in Spain, focusing on the lack of dedicated labor and social inclusion policies tailored to their specific needs. Current employment and social services are generalized and often fail to accommodate UMY, who frequently do not meet initial access requirements. The absence of national policies to prevent destitution among UMY once they turn 18 and leave the minors’ protection systems exacerbates their social and financial vulnerability, increasing their risk of homelessness, precarious livelihoods, and labor exploitation. This situation also impacts their mental health, as Spain's public health system lacks provisions for intercultural mediation and child-friendly approaches necessary for this group, who may have experienced severe trauma. The exploratory proposal aligns with the Resilience and Wage Employment DLI’s priorities by exploring interventions to remove barriers to formal employment, address skill gaps, improve mental health, and reduce community-level discrimination. Additionally, it supports the Social Cohesion, Inclusion, and Norms priority by aiming to reduce negative sentiments toward displaced youth within host communities.

RFP Cycle:
  • Project development grant