Cally Ardington

A head shot featuring a photo of Cally Ardington. She is wearing a green shirt and has brown shoulder length hair.

Direktur Ilmiah, J-PAL Africa

J-PAL Affiliated Professor


University of Cape Town

Cally Ardington is a professor in the Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit (SALDRU) at the University of Cape Town (UCT). She has extensive experience in the design, management, and micro-econometric analysis of social surveys. Her research focuses on education, health, labour markets, and household behavior. She is currently working on a randomized evaluation of a holiday program designed to support Grade 4 learners in the transition to English as the language of teaching and learning in South Africa. Cally completed her PhD in Economics at the University of Cape Town.

In addition to serving as co-Scientific Director of J-PAL Africa, Cally has served as a lecturer at J-PAL training events.