
L’action de J-PAL ne serait pas possible sans l’engagement actif de nombreux partenaires qui partagent notre conviction : seules des études scientifiques rigoureuses permettent de déterminer quelles mesures sont réellement efficaces pour lutter contre la pauvreté.

Nous travaillons en étroite collaboration avec Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), une organisation non gouvernementale à but non lucratif. Parmi nos autres proches partenaires, il y a notamment :

  • Des centres de recherche qui conduisent certaines évaluations aléatoires de nos chercheurs affiliés, notamment le Center for Effective Global Action (Centre pour une action mondiale efficace, CEGA) de l’Université de Californie à Berkeley, le Center for Economic Research in Pakistan (Centre pour la recherche économique au Pakistan, CERP), le Crime Lab (Laboratoire de réduction de la criminalité) de l’Université de Chicago, Evidence for Policy Design (Preuves pour l’élaboration de politiques, EPoD) au sein de la Harvard Kennedy School, ou encore l’organisation non gouvernementale IFMR LEAD (Leveraging Evidence for Access and Development - Utiliser les preuves pour l’accès et le développement) basée à l’Institute for Financial Management and Research de Chennai (Institut pour la gestion et la recherche financières, IFMR)
  • Des organismes tels que des États, des ONG, des organisations multilatérales et des entreprises qui mettent en œuvre les programmes que nos chercheurs affiliés évaluent, s’appuient sur nos recommandations de politique publique et généralisent les programmes ayant démontré leur efficacité ; et
  • Des donateurs, parmi lesquels des fondations et des organisations bilatérales qui financent des évaluations, la généralisation de programmes efficaces et des travaux de recherche.

Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores (Mexican Banking Commission)

The Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores (CNBV), or in English, the Mexican Banking Commission, is a regulatory agency in the Mexican government's financial system.

Comisión Nacional de Seguridad

The Comisión Nacional de Seguridad (CNS) is the Mexican government’s institution responsible for maintaining public security, order and peace; safeguarding the people’s rights and personal safety; and preventing crime. The CNS consists of five administrative units: Planning, Prospective and Private...

Commercial Mexicana

Commercial Mexicana is a large Mexican supermarket chain. J-PAL researchers partnered with the Mexican supermarket company to study the impacts of different in-store communication strategies on reducing plastic bag consumption.

Commission of Industry and Information Technology (CIIT)

Researchers partnered with the Commission of Industry and Information Technology (CIIT), the main government department in charge of private sector development, to find firms interested in participating in a monthly meeting program designed to encourage inter-firm relationships.

Commodity Risk Management Group (CRMG)

The Commodity Risk Management Group (CRMG) is the implementing agency for the work of the International Task Force on Commodity Risk Management at the World Bank. CRMG is comprised of commodities experts, financial analysts, training personnel, and derivatives specialists working to make market...

Community Action Project of Tulsa County (CAP)

CAP is based in Tulsa, Oklahoma and provides a range of social services to the Tulsa community. CAP collaborated with J-PAL affiliated on evaluating debt-reduction programs.

Community Driven Development Organization (CDDO)

Our vision is prosperous communities in which everyone benefits from sustainable livelihoods and high-quality essential services while participating in inclusive decision-making processes.

Community Foundation for Greater New Haven

The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven is a is a philanthropic institution that establishes funds and distributes grants to support programs and causes.

Community Jameel

Driven by a commitment to creativity, entrepreneurship, innovation, and youth, Community Jameel works across six major fields of development: livelihoods, the arts, education, health, climate, and evidence. Community Jameel, the global philanthropy, is active worldwide by directly implementing...

Compartamos Banco

Compartamos is a bank dedicated to generating social, economic and human value.

Computerised School Selection and Placement System Secretariat

Computers for Classrooms

Computers for Classrooms is a nonprofit organization which donates refurbished computers to classrooms across California. They collaborated with J-PAL affiliates on an evaluation of home computer use on academic of low-income children in the United States.

Concern Worldwide

Concern Worldwide is an international humanitarian organization focusing on education, emergencies, health, livelihoods, and HIV/AIDs.

Confederação Nacional dos Municípios (CNM)

The National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM) is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit, founded on February 8, 1980. The main objective of CNM is to consolidate the municipal movement, strengthen the autonomy of municipalities and transform our organization into a world reference in municipal...

Confederation of Trade Union in Myanmar (CTUM)

The Confederation of Trade Unions, Myanmar (CTUM), formerly known as the Federation of Trade Unions of Burma (FTUB), is a trade union in Myanmar

Connecticut Citizen Action Group

The Connecticut Citizen Action Group (CCAG) is a membership organization dedicated to working with people to bring about social, economic and environmental justice. They have partnered with J-PAL affiliates on projects in the United States.

Conseil Général des Hauts de Seine

The General Council of the Hauts de Seine region has partnered with J-PAL affiliates on an evaluation of a labor market counseling program.

Conseil Général du Bas Rhin

The Conseil Général du Bas-Rhin is the local authority body that manages the running of the département. Decentralization legislation means that it now has responsibility for services that are very much a part of the daily life of all the inhabitants of the Bas-Rhin.