
L’action de J-PAL ne serait pas possible sans l’engagement actif de nombreux partenaires qui partagent notre conviction : seules des études scientifiques rigoureuses permettent de déterminer quelles mesures sont réellement efficaces pour lutter contre la pauvreté.

Nous travaillons en étroite collaboration avec Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), une organisation non gouvernementale à but non lucratif. Parmi nos autres proches partenaires, il y a notamment :

  • Des centres de recherche qui conduisent certaines évaluations aléatoires de nos chercheurs affiliés, notamment le Center for Effective Global Action (Centre pour une action mondiale efficace, CEGA) de l’Université de Californie à Berkeley, le Center for Economic Research in Pakistan (Centre pour la recherche économique au Pakistan, CERP), le Crime Lab (Laboratoire de réduction de la criminalité) de l’Université de Chicago, Evidence for Policy Design (Preuves pour l’élaboration de politiques, EPoD) au sein de la Harvard Kennedy School, ou encore l’organisation non gouvernementale IFMR LEAD (Leveraging Evidence for Access and Development - Utiliser les preuves pour l’accès et le développement) basée à l’Institute for Financial Management and Research de Chennai (Institut pour la gestion et la recherche financières, IFMR)
  • Des organismes tels que des États, des ONG, des organisations multilatérales et des entreprises qui mettent en œuvre les programmes que nos chercheurs affiliés évaluent, s’appuient sur nos recommandations de politique publique et généralisent les programmes ayant démontré leur efficacité ; et
  • Des donateurs, parmi lesquels des fondations et des organisations bilatérales qui financent des évaluations, la généralisation de programmes efficaces et des travaux de recherche.

Nyala Insurance

Nyala's mission is to help their customers manage their risks, recover from the unexpected, and achieve peace of mind.

NYC Opportunity

The Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity (NYC Opportunity) uses evidence and innovation to reduce poverty and increase equity. NYC Opportunity is working with J-PAL researchers to evaluate the effects of expanded eligibility for the Earned Income Tax Credit in New York City.

Observatório Eleitoral

Observatório Eleitoral is a consortium of eight Mozambican NGOs, including the main religious civil society organizations and governance NGOs. Observatório Eleitoral blends the efforts of its member organizations in the area of good electoral conduct and electoral observation.

Off Grid Electric (OGE)

Off Grid Electric provides customers with off grid solar power solutions and is partnering with J-PAL researchers on the impact of providing electricity to schools in Tanzania.

Office of Population Studies (OPS) University of San Carlos

OPS conducts training, research, and extension service on population-related issues with the purpose of clarifying and enhancing knowledge, and contributing to local, regional, and national development initiatives.

Ohio Department of Taxation

The Ohio Department of Taxation has collaborated with J-PAL affiliates on a governance evaluation in Ohio.

Ohio Secretary of State

The Ohio Secretary of State oversees the elections process and appoints the members of boards of elections in each of Ohio’s counties.

Oklahoma City Public Schools

Oklahoma City Public Schools is a multi-cultural district serving approximately 45,000 students.

Old Mutual

Old Mutual South Africa aims to serve all sectors of the South African economy and elements of the African economy by providing products and services that are appropriate, affordable and accessible.

Omidyar Network

Omidyar Network is a philanthropic investment firm dedicated to harnessing the power of markets to create opportunity for people to improve their lives.


ONE is a global movement campaigning to end extreme poverty and preventable disease by 2030, so that everyone, everywhere can lead a life of dignity and opportunity.

One Acre Fund (OAF)

One Acre Fund (OAF) aims to help poor East African farmers by introducing more profitable crops and farming techniques, and by providing farming inputs in exchange for a share of future revenues.

One Summer Chicago (OSC)

Mayor Rahm Emanuel's One Summer Chicago (formerly known as One Summer Plus) brings together government institutions, community-based organizations and companies to offer over 31,000 employment and internship opportunities to youth and young adults ages 14 to 24.

Ontario Human Capital Research and Innovation Fund

The Ontario Human Capital Research and Innovation Fund supports research and innovation projects that identify better ways to help people prepare for, return to or keep employment and become productive participants in the labour force. They helped provide funding to a J-PAL affiliate's evaluation of...

Open Philanthropy

Open Philanthropy is a philanthropic funder. Our mission is to help others as much as we can with the resources available to us. Open Philanthropy was originally incubated as a partnership between GiveWell and Good Ventures.

Open Society Foundations

The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and tolerant societies whose governments are accountable and open to the participation of all people.

Operation ASHA (Op ASHA)

Operation ASHA (Op ASHA) is a community-based model aiming to improve delivery of health care services for low-income tuberculosis (TB) patients in India, and more recently Cambodia. Operation ASHA (OpASHA) is the largest NGO delivering primary care to TB patients in India and operates DOTS centers...

Opportunity Insights

Opportunity Insights has partnered with J-PAL on the Creating Moves to Opportuntiy project.