
L’action de J-PAL ne serait pas possible sans l’engagement actif de nombreux partenaires qui partagent notre conviction : seules des études scientifiques rigoureuses permettent de déterminer quelles mesures sont réellement efficaces pour lutter contre la pauvreté.

Nous travaillons en étroite collaboration avec Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), une organisation non gouvernementale à but non lucratif. Parmi nos autres proches partenaires, il y a notamment :

  • Des centres de recherche qui conduisent certaines évaluations aléatoires de nos chercheurs affiliés, notamment le Center for Effective Global Action (Centre pour une action mondiale efficace, CEGA) de l’Université de Californie à Berkeley, le Center for Economic Research in Pakistan (Centre pour la recherche économique au Pakistan, CERP), le Crime Lab (Laboratoire de réduction de la criminalité) de l’Université de Chicago, Evidence for Policy Design (Preuves pour l’élaboration de politiques, EPoD) au sein de la Harvard Kennedy School, ou encore l’organisation non gouvernementale IFMR LEAD (Leveraging Evidence for Access and Development - Utiliser les preuves pour l’accès et le développement) basée à l’Institute for Financial Management and Research de Chennai (Institut pour la gestion et la recherche financières, IFMR)
  • Des organismes tels que des États, des ONG, des organisations multilatérales et des entreprises qui mettent en œuvre les programmes que nos chercheurs affiliés évaluent, s’appuient sur nos recommandations de politique publique et généralisent les programmes ayant démontré leur efficacité ; et
  • Des donateurs, parmi lesquels des fondations et des organisations bilatérales qui financent des évaluations, la généralisation de programmes efficaces et des travaux de recherche.


Silatech promotes large-scale job creation, entrepreneurship, access to capital and markets, and the participation and engagement of young people in economic and social development. Silatech works throughout the Arab world. Silatech partnered with researchers to evaluate the impact of an Egyptian...

Simón de Cirene

Simón de Cirene aims to improve the welfare of micro-entrepreneurs through financial and managerial training. The Chilean non-profit continues to collaborate with J-PAL affiliates on evaluations.

Sindh Agricultural and Forestry Workers' Coordinating Organization (SAFWCO)

SAFWCO’s mission is to organize marginalized communities through social mobilization on a common platform, and to support them in carrying out sustainable development. SAFWCO has partnered with J-PAL to help bring microfinance services to the ultra-poor in Pakistan.

Sindh Education Foundation

The Sindh Education Foundation, Government of Sindh, is a semi-autonomous organization committed to educating and empowering children and communities towards social change by improving access to educational facilities. Since its establishment in 1992 as a semi-autonomous organization, the SEF...

Sistemas Especializados de Informacion (SEI) S.A.

Sistemas Especializados de Informacion (SEI) is a survey consulting firm based in Bogota, Columbia which partnered with J-PAL affiliated professors on an evaluation of a training program for disadvantaged youth.

Small Enterprise Finance Centre (SEFC)

The mission of SEFC is to advance the research and practice of SME financing and growth in India and ultimately to help develop a vibrant SME sector. SEFC conducts research projects that analyze the various modes in which small enterprises’ finance needs could be served.

Smith Richardson Foundation

The mission of the Smith Richardson Foundation is to contribute to important public debates and to help address serious public policy challenges facing the United States. The Smith Richardson Foundation provided funding for the Oregon Health Insurance Experiment.

SNV Netherlands Development

SNV is an international not-for-profit development organization focused on sustainable development and poverty reduction.

SNV Peru

SNV is a social enterprise committed to eliminating poverty and inequality in emerging markets worldwide.

Social Finance

Social Finance is a national impact finance and advisory nonprofit. They work with the public, private, and social sectors to create partnerships and investments that measurably improve lives. Their main activities consist of funding impact bonds, advising partners on impact strategies, and...

Social Science Research Council (SSRC)

SSRC is an independant nonprofit guided by the belief that justice, prosperity, and democracy all require better understanding of complex social, cultural, economic, and political processes. They work with practitioners, policymakers, and academic researchers to build interdisciplinary and...

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) is the federal Canadian research funding agency that promotes and supports postsecondary-based research and training in the humanities and social sciences.

Social Welfare and Nutritious Meal Programme Department

The Social Welfare and Nutritious Meal Programme Department of the Government of Tamil Nadu under the able guidance of the Honble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu ensures the welfare of low-income households, women, children, senior citizens among others.

Société Nationale d’Aménagement et d’Exploitation des Terres du Delta du Fleuve Sénégal (SAED)

SAED's mission is to promote the development of irrigated agriculture on the Senegal and Falémé Rivers. It operates through six main activity areas: public investment, maintenance of hydro-agricultural infrastructure, water and environmental management, rural development and land security...

Society for Family Health (SFH)

SFH provides support to national HIV/AIDS, reproductive and child health priorities through the social marketing of low cost, accessible and branded health products throughout all provinces of Zambia.

Society for Sustainable Development

Development Today without Compromising Tomorrow The Society for Sustainable Development's mission is to support sustainable, co-ordinated, rights based and gender sensitive civil society actions for the development & progress of disadvantaged, vulnerable, marginalized and disempowered communities of...

Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA)

Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) is a public University based in Morogoro Tanzania. The university is located on the slopes of the Uluguru mountains. SUA is best known for offering courses and programmes widely in a field of Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Forestry, Animal Science, Wildlife...

Soro Yiriwaso

Soro Yiriwaso is a Malian microfinance institution. It began as a program initiated by the Sahel field office of the American non-governmental organization Save the Children. The mission of Soro Yiriwaso is to increase the economic opportunities of poor and disadvantaged Malians, especially women...

South Africa Department of Labor

The Department of Labor publishes legislation that regulates labor practices and activities in South Africa. It strives for a labor market which is conducive to investment, economic growth, employment creation and decent work.