
L’action de J-PAL ne serait pas possible sans l’engagement actif de nombreux partenaires qui partagent notre conviction : seules des études scientifiques rigoureuses permettent de déterminer quelles mesures sont réellement efficaces pour lutter contre la pauvreté.

Nous travaillons en étroite collaboration avec Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), une organisation non gouvernementale à but non lucratif. Parmi nos autres proches partenaires, il y a notamment :

  • Des centres de recherche qui conduisent certaines évaluations aléatoires de nos chercheurs affiliés, notamment le Center for Effective Global Action (Centre pour une action mondiale efficace, CEGA) de l’Université de Californie à Berkeley, le Center for Economic Research in Pakistan (Centre pour la recherche économique au Pakistan, CERP), le Crime Lab (Laboratoire de réduction de la criminalité) de l’Université de Chicago, Evidence for Policy Design (Preuves pour l’élaboration de politiques, EPoD) au sein de la Harvard Kennedy School, ou encore l’organisation non gouvernementale IFMR LEAD (Leveraging Evidence for Access and Development - Utiliser les preuves pour l’accès et le développement) basée à l’Institute for Financial Management and Research de Chennai (Institut pour la gestion et la recherche financières, IFMR)
  • Des organismes tels que des États, des ONG, des organisations multilatérales et des entreprises qui mettent en œuvre les programmes que nos chercheurs affiliés évaluent, s’appuient sur nos recommandations de politique publique et généralisent les programmes ayant démontré leur efficacité ; et
  • Des donateurs, parmi lesquels des fondations et des organisations bilatérales qui financent des évaluations, la généralisation de programmes efficaces et des travaux de recherche.

MIT School Effectiveness & Inequality Initiative

The School Effectiveness and Inequality Initiative is a research pro­gram based in the MIT Department of Economics. SEII focuses on the eco­nom­ics of edu­ca­tion and the con­nec­tions between human cap­i­tal and the American income distribution.

Mitra Samya

Mitra Samya is a research/conflict analysis Indonesian NGO. J-PAL has contracted Mitra Samya to implement an unconditional cash transfer program for the poor at the sub-village level.


MOMODa Foundation

MOMODa FOUNDATION is a research-oriented development organization aims at creating a society with reduced poverty and inequality. The FOUNDATION has been working in both rural and urban Bangladesh since 2011.

Mongolian Ministry of Labor and Social Protection

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection in Mongolia.

Mongolian Women's Federation (MWF)

The main objective of the MWF is to protect women's basic rights and interests regardless of their ideology, social status, religion.

Mortensen Center in Global Engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder

The Mortenson Center combines education, research, and partnerships to improve development tools and practice. We train engineers to recognize the issues at the core of development challenges, and collaborate with partners across the CU-Boulder campus and the world to create sustainable, scalable...

Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government

M-RCBG is an incubator of ideas which inform policy-based options and solutions. Through our many programs and affiliated faculty, the Center studies regulation; it examines energy policies; it considers how best to protect the environment; it thinks about the role of public and private sector...

Mount Sinai Health System

The mission of the Mount Sinai Health System is to provide compassionate patient care with seamless coordination and to advance medicine through unrivaled education, research, and outreach in the many diverse communities we serve.

Movimiento Manuela Ramos

Movimiento Manuela Ramos is a Peruvian feminist NGO that, for more than 30 years, has worked to improve the situation and condition of women.

Mozambique National Institute of Health

Mozambique’s National Institute of Health was established in 1991 as an institution within the Ministry of Health. The NIH generates technical-scientific information in the area of health so that decisions in the health sector can be based on evidence.

MTN Uganda

MTN is a mobile phone service provider in Uganda and has collaborated with J-PAL affiliates on a health evaluation.

MTV Staying Alive Foundation

The MTV Staying Alive Foundation supports grassroots, youth-led initiatives around the world that provide education about HIV and sexual and reproductive health in their local communities. The foundation gives organizations a grant for up to four years, along with a comprehensive capacity-building...

Mulanje Mountain Conservation Trust (MMCT)

The Mulanje Mountain Conservation Trust (MMCT) is a conservation trust funded by the World Bank through the Global Environmental Facility (GEF). MMCT aims at providing long-term reliable support for biodiversity research and conservation of biological diversity and sustainable utilization of natural...

Mumias Sugar Company

Mumias Sugar Company (MSC) is the leading sugar producer in Kenya. The agronomy department of the Mumias Sugar Company has been active in testing new cane varieties, fertilizers, and herbicides. They are partnering with J-PAL to study obstacles to agricultural technology adoption for the sugar cane...

Mumuadu Rural Bank (MRB)

Mumuadu Rural Bank Limited (MRB) is a Community Development Financial Institution. The Government of Ghana introduced the rural banking concept in the early 1970s to offer financial intermediation to rural areas where financial services to the poor was non-existent. MRB was established in 1982 to...

NAACP National Voter Fund (NVF)

The NAACP NVF engages civic participation and community-based mobilization efforts through education and awareness campaigns surrounding key issues in communities of color.

Naandi Foundation

Naandi Foundation is a non-profit organization in India working in child rights, sustainable livelihoods, and safe drinking water.