NBER and MIT Roybal Centers Joint Virtual Meeting

In partnership with the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Roybal Center for Behavior Change in Health, the MIT Roybal Center for Translational Research to Improve Health Care for the Aging will host a virtual meeting featuring presentations of completed pilot projects and office hours with Center principal investigators. The event will highlight a completed pilot project supported by each Center and offer researchers an opportunity to learn more about eligibility, funding, and the review process for Center Requests for Proposals held later this year.
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2:00 pm: Welcome, Introducing the NBER and MIT Roybal Centers
NBER and MIT Principal Investigators
2:10 pm: Presentation and Discussion of NBER and MIT Pilot Projects
Pilot Project Presentation: Are Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Information Labels Well Targeted? Evidence and Welfare Implications
Dmitry Taubinsky, UC Berkeley and NBER
Pilot Project Presentation: Experimental Evidence on the Effectiveness of Non-Experts for Improving Vaccine Demand
Sarah Eichmeyer, University of Munich
2:50 pm: Wrap-up and Questions
“Office Hours” Opportunity with MIT and NBER PIs to discuss potential Roybal funding
Marcella Alsan, Joe Doyle, Amy Finkelstein, David Laibson
Adjourn by 3:30 pm