How Can We Improve Social Inclusion at Scale Through Education Interventions?

Millions of children have been impacted by school closures during the pandemic, which has highlighted the inequality in access to quality education across and within societies around the world. Inequalities early in a child’s life can negatively impact later life outcomes and lead to social exclusion.
In this webinar, we explored the potential for education interventions to improve social inclusion at scale, with a focus on studies in partnership with education ministries from different settings across Europe.
The webinar featured insights from:
- Michela Carlana, J-PAL affiliate and assistant professor of public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School. Michela presented lessons from her research on education interventions in Italy.
- Sule Alan, J-PAL affiliate and Professor of Economics at the European University Institute. Sule shared results from her ESII-funded study, Mitigating the Social Exclusion of Refugee Children: An Intervention on Perspective Taking, conducted in partnership with the Turkish Ministry of Education.
- Joachim Krapels, Chief Science Officer and Senior Analyst at Porticus. Joachim discussed the importance of rigorous evidence in informing philanthropic practices.
- Cillian Nolan, Director of Policy at J-PAL Europe. Cillian discussed the future of J-PAL's European Social Inclusion Initiative.
The interventions were followed by a Q&A session.
This event is organised as part of J-PAL’s European Social Inclusion Initiative, a multi-year initiative aimed at generating and widely sharing generalisable lessons on how to best promote social inclusion in Europe through research, training, and policy outreach.