Video: Design and Effectiveness of Public Health Subsidies in Less Developed Countries

Although coverage rates and health outcomes are improving, many poor people around the world still do not benefit from essential health products. An estimated two-thirds of child deaths could be prevented with increased coverage of products such as vaccines, point-of-use water treatment, iron fortification, and insecticide-treated bednets. On December 8, 2017, Co-Chair of J-PAL's Health sector Pascaline Dupas examined what factors limit the flow of products from the producer’s laboratory bench to the end users, and what can be done about the issue.
Pascaline Dupas is an Associate Professor in the Economics Department at Stanford University. Her areas of research are applied microeconomics and development economics. She is currently conducting field experiments in health, education, and microfinance. Pascaline is a Co-Chair of J-PAL's Health sector.