
Nous organisons des événements, conférences, séminaires en ligne et ateliers de formation dans le monde entier pour les chercheurs, les décideurs politiques et les acteurs de terrain. 

Upcoming Events


J-PAL Africa Evaluating Social Programs Course

Organisé par:
Cape Town, South Africa
The J-PAL Africa Evaluating Social Programs Course will provide a thorough understanding of randomized evaluations and pragmatic step-by-step training for conducting one’s own evaluation.

Past Events

A mentor talks to a teacher

Teaching at the Right Level Webinar Series: Session 4 - Teacher Training

The Teaching at the Right Level webinar series will continue with its fourth installment on Tuesday, March 6, at 8:30 AM ET. This session will focus on Teacher Training. Presenters will share research on the effectiveness of different training programs and discuss Pratham's approach to teacher...

Video: Design and Effectiveness of Public Health Subsidies in Less Developed Countries

MIT Building 6, Room 120 and webcast live
Although coverage rates and health outcomes are improving, many poor people around the world still do not benefit from essential health products. Join Pascaline Dupas live today at 11am via webinar or in person on MIT's campus to learn about how the design of subsidies matter for maximizing coverage...
A teacher gives a lively lecture to students

Teaching at the Right Level Webinar Series: Session 3 - Monitoring and Mentoring

Join us on Thursday, 7 December, for a Monitoring and Mentoring webinar as part of the Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) Webinar Series. Devyani Pershad from Pratham will discuss the role of monitors and mentors in TaRL programs. Benjamin Piper from RTI will share research on teacher coaching and...