
Nous organisons des événements, conférences, séminaires en ligne et ateliers de formation dans le monde entier pour les chercheurs, les décideurs politiques et les acteurs de terrain. 

Upcoming Events


J-PAL Africa Evaluating Social Programs Course

Organisé par:
Cape Town, South Africa
The J-PAL Africa Evaluating Social Programs Course will provide a thorough understanding of randomized evaluations and pragmatic step-by-step training for conducting one’s own evaluation.

Past Events

Participants discuss open questions around eight developing evaluations during a breakout session at the year 3 convening

Building Evidence, Advancing Policy, Impacting Lives: The 3rd Annual J-PAL North America State and Local Innovation Initiative Convening

Samberg Conference Center at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The theme of the third annual convening is Building Evidence, Advancing Policy, Impacting Lives #BuildAdvanceImpact. Over the course of two days, panel and breakout sessions will demonstrate how rigorous evidence can help state and local governments shape policy to improve the lives of the people...

J-PAL Global: Recruitment Webinar

J-PAL Global is hosting an informational webinar on December 12 from 2:00 - 3:00 PM ET for those interested in J-PAL positions. The presentation will provide an overview of J-PAL, examples of the type of work we do, and a description of our recruitment process and open positions with a Q&A portion...

Teaching at the Right Level Webinar Series: Session 5 - Adapting the TaRL Approach to Different Contexts

The Teaching at the Right Level webinar series will continue with its fifth installment on Tuesday, December 11, at 8:00 AM ET. This session will focus on Adapting the TaRL approach to different contexts. Presenters will discuss how TaRL was adapted for Zambia and Botswana and share their experience...
Evaluating social programs event
Workshop or Training

Evaluasi Program Sosial – Yogyakarta (Evaluating Social Programs)

Organisé par:
Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis UGM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Evaluating Social Programs is a specially designed course by J-PAL SEA for decision makers and program managers working in the development field.
Workshop or Training

Curso en línea gratuito: Evaluación de Impacto de Programas Sociales

Este curso entregará los conceptos fundamentales para entender en qué consisten las evaluaciones de impacto aleatorizadas, por qué son importantes, cómo se diseñan e implementan, y cómo usar sus resultados.