

Informations, idées et analyses proposées par des employés de J-PAL et des professeurs affiliés. Inscrivez-vous à notre newsletter pour recevoir des mises à jour mensuelles par e-mail. 

Women in Kenya walk along town street while in conversation.

Unpacking the evidence on social programs in sub-Saharan Africa

J-PAL Africa recently concluded a five-part blog series providing evidence-informed perspectives on key debates in the fight against poverty in sub-Saharan Africa, highlighting lessons for policymakers.
Electric power plant facility in Johannesburg, South Africa

Powering households and industrial growth: Emerging insights from evolving evidence

Emerging evidence from randomized impact evaluations may provide insight to decision-makers on balancing the tension between industrial growth, energy use, and climate change mitigation—as well as increased connectivity and access for low- and middle-income communities.
Audience and speakers at J-PAL MENA event: Global Evidence for Egypt Spotlight Seminar on early childhood development

Guiding investments in long-term human capital development in Egypt: A recap from the Global Evidence for Egypt Spotlight Seminar on early childhood development

J-PAL Middle East and North Africa (J-PAL MENA) at The American University in Cairo (AUC) co-hosted a seminar (recording here) with UNICEF Egypt on May 19, 2022 to share global evidence on early childhood development to guide investments in long-term human capital development in Egypt.
Female worker with helmet and safety vest scanning a box in a factory

JOI Brazil’s first year promoting evidence generation and use within Brazilian labor markets

The Jobs and Opportunity Initiative in Brazil (JOI Brazil) celebrated one year of working to promote the generation and use of evidence within the Brazilian labor markets. The celebration of its first anniversary and the commemoration of the International Workers' Day helped the is an opportune time...
Mujer con hijo en su espalda asiste a hospital

The effect of cash transfers on women's well-being: Lessons from evidence in Latin America

There is no consensus on the effects of cash transfers on women's lives, especially regarding empowerment and violence perpetrated by their intimate partners. This blog post reviews existing evidence from Latin America and draws lessons for policymakers on the scope and limits of these programs for...
West African woman and children sitting on the edge of a dirt selling home grown produce

Earth Day 2022: Evidence for climate-resilient food systems and nutrition

The effects of climate change will worsen over the next thirty years and will disproportionately impact the world’s poorest people in many ways. In recognition of Earth Day 2022, we're highlighting how food systems, food security, and nutrition are particularly vulnerable to climate impacts.
Wisconsin State Capitol Building

J-PAL North America State and Local Innovation Initiative’s resources for American Rescue Plan evaluation and evidence use

By leveraging the flexible funding offered by the American Rescue Plan, J-PAL North America's State and Local Innovation Initiative can support governments in building program evaluations into new policies and support the scale up of evidence-based approaches.
A woman stands in front of a bookcase wearing a black jacket and glasses.

Affiliate Spotlight: Tavneet Suri on the importance of locally-grounded research

A weak internet connection did not stop J-PAL Africa Scientific Director Tavneet Suri from getting her point across in our interview: Good research is done with an ear to the ground and a connection to the community. Calling in from her home country of Kenya, Tavneet emphasized how important it is...