

Informations, idées et analyses proposées par des employés de J-PAL et des professeurs affiliés. Inscrivez-vous à notre newsletter pour recevoir des mises à jour mensuelles par e-mail. 

A diverse group of co-workers mingle and work together in a common work space in Nairobi, Kenya

Policy and research to combat bias in the workplace

Rigorous research has shown that discriminatory practices are often embedded in the workplace. Many organizations have been developing tools and strategies to counter this type of bias for their employees. But how can we know which strategies are the most effective at combating bias in employment...
Three women are seated on a bench outside of a dwelling, one of whom holds a small child. Two women are seated next to the bench, peeling garlic over a large bowl.

Mengatasi hambatan perempuan dalam mengadopsi layanan keuangan digital di Indonesia

Layanan keuangan digital atau Digital Financial Services (DFS) semakin umum digunakan di kehidupan sehari-hari. Dengan demikian, penting untuk memastikan bahwa perempuan dan laki-laki bisa mendapatkan manfaat yang sama dari teknologi ini.
A woman rides a tricycle to collect recyclables, which she negotiated with building administrators, neighbors, and hotel managers

Gender and Economic Agency Initiative increases funding to Latin America and South Asia with third funding round

As the world enters its third year with Covid-19, gender inequalities that existed before the pandemic continue to impact women around the world. Since its creation in 2020, the Gender and Economic Agency Initiative has been seeking to address gender inequalities related to women's labor force...
Four speakers are seated at a panel table at the front of a room.

Youth economic inclusion in Morocco: An evidence sharing seminar

  • Alexandra Diggs
  • Fatine Guedira
The Morocco Employment Lab hosted an evidence sharing seminar on youth economic inclusion last month. At the seminar, Dr. Younes Sekkouri, Minister of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, and Skills in Morocco, reaffirmed that a key priority of the government is to foster youth economic inclusion...
A Black mother laughs with her infant boy and young daughter holding a baby doll outside behind trees.

BAE Incubator partner series, part two: Compass Family Services on taking evaluation to the next level

The Bay Area Evaluation (BAE) Incubator supports Bay Area service providers with implementing and evaluating cash transfer programs to assess their impact on homelessness and housing stability. In part two of our BAE Incubator partner series, Compass Family Services reflects on their experiences as...
Research working with data banks

Transparent and accessible data: J-PAL alumna collaborated on an innovative approach with the Chilean government and researchers

Transparent and accessible data can be vital for researchers in the development of evidence-informed policies. In Chile, the State opened a door for researchers to access local transparent data to work together to answer key questions. Amanda Dawes, a J-PAL Latin America and the Caribbean alumna...
A male farmer standing in a field of crops looks down at a mobile phone that he is holding.

Evidence for digital and bundled services: Framing a research agenda for the Digital Agricultural Innovations and Services Initiative

As the reach of digital agricultural services has grown rapidly within the last few years, building an evidence base on how these services should be designed, implemented, and scaled to best align with the priorities of small-scale producers is an important and timely issue—and one that J-PAL's...
Woman in her studio

Improving access to microfinance in Chile: Lessons from a strong collaboration with Fondo Esperanza

For four years, Chilean microfinance institution Fondo Esperanza has strengthened a close collaboration with J-PAL affiliates, Natalia Rigol and Benjamin Roth, and their research team. A recently published working paper has resulted from the fruitful partnership, as well as including new evaluations...