

Informations, idées et analyses proposées par des employés de J-PAL et des professeurs affiliés. Inscrivez-vous à notre newsletter pour recevoir des mises à jour mensuelles par e-mail. 

Can we support SME growth by increasing demand for their products?

While there are many theories of the sources of the differences in size and wealth of economies between countries, economists have long argued that productivity gaps between firms in the private sector are a major contributor.

How do we achieve affordable, quality health care? Follow the evidence.

  • Darshak Sanghavi, MD
In this guest post, Darshak Shavani writes about how a commitment to evidence, and a connection by J-PAL North America, led to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Innovation Center launching the first ever randomized evaluation of a major federal health insurance program in the...

J-PAL Africa launches the Digital Identification and Finance Research Initiative (DigiFI Africa)

J-PAL Africa, based at the University of Cape Town, recently launched the Digital Identification and Finance Research Initiative (DigiFI Africa). Supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, this USD$7 million research fund is designed to study the impact of innovative government and private...

Policymakers and researchers collaborate to improve education quality in Puerto Rico

  • Gustavo Bobonis
  • Nicolás Riveros Medelius
Puerto Rico faces deeply rooted and complex education challenges. We formed a partnership between the Puerto Rico Department of Education (PRDE) and academic researchers to study these challenges and promote decision-making based on data, research, and evidence.

Announcing J-PAL’s new Innovations in Data and Experiments for Action (IDEA) Initiative

Around the world, vast amounts of data are now being digitally collected or stored, which creates tremendous opportunities to transform lives through better social policies. Using these data sets in creative and innovative ways to evaluate programs and therefore improve outcomes is a vital step...