

Parcourez les articles de presse, médias en ligne, blogs, podcasts et vidéos sur notre travail et la recherche de nos affiliés, ainsi que nos communiqués et lettres d'information, par année. Nous invitons les médias à nous contacter par courriel

How a simple solution slashed child mortality in rural Kenyan villages

Discusses research by J-PAL affiliate and Nobel Prize winner Michael Kremer on how water chlorination can decrease child mortality in rural Kenya.

J-PAL North America announces appointment of Laura Feeney and Vincent Quan as new Co-Executive Directors

J-PAL North America announces that Laura Feeney and Vincent Quan, who previously led the center’s research, training, and policy teams, are now serving as the new co-executive directors of the organization.

November 2021 Newsletter

In the November 2021 Newsletter, we highlight ideas around how climate finance can support evidence generation, three key lessons on informing policy with evidence in Africa, and evidence for medical debt relief.

Fighting poverty: Learning from the ground

J-PAL Southeast Asia partnered with the Indonesian government to carry out the mission of research to informed policy set out by co-founders and affiliates Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo.

Celebrating Pratham

J-PAL affiliate Abhijit Banerjee spoke at education NGO Pratham after winning Yiden Prize for research in education and development.

October 2021 North America Newsletter

J-PAL North America's October newsletter features an interview with Marcella Aslan, co-chair of J-PAL North America’s US Health Care Delivery Initiative, on her recent recognition as a 2021 MacArthur Fellow; new research results highlighting discrimination in hiring among large US employers; and...

eGov Foundation partners with J-PAL South Asia to improve government service delivery in India through effective use of technology and data

eGovernments Foundation (eGov) is partnering with the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab South Asia (J-PAL South Asia) to conduct research on improving public service delivery across Indian states through effective use of digital technology and data.

On Her Own Account: Impact of Strengthening Women’s Financial Control

J-PAL affiliates Erica Field, Rohini Pande, and Simone Schaner collaborated with J-PAL South Asia to better understand barriers to labor force participation for women in India.