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April 2016 Newsletter

From India to Zambia: A learning journey | Building policymaker capacity to use evidence: A long-term partnership | Driving policy-relevant research: J-PAL South Asia's partnership with the Government of Tamil Nadu | Featured Affiliate: Matthew Notowidigdo

From India to Zambia: A Learning Journey

How can policymakers integrate lessons from innovations proven to be effective in another context? As part of J-PAL Africa’s ongoing support to Zambia’s Ministry of General Education, two Ministry officials and J-PAL Africa policy staff undertook a learning journey to India to visit a remedial...

Building policymaker capacity to use evidence: A long-term partnership

In order to improve the delivery of social programs, public officials and civil servants must be effective users and producers of evidence. LBS National Academy of Administration—India’s premier civil service training academy—signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with J-PAL South Asia...

Driving policy-relevant research: J-PAL South Asia’s partnership with the Government of Tamil Nadu

Fixing educational policy's failure