

Parcourez les articles de presse, médias en ligne, blogs, podcasts et vidéos sur notre travail et la recherche de nos affiliés, ainsi que nos communiqués et lettres d'information, par année. Nous invitons les médias à nous contacter par courriel

Study finds physicians are effective messengers of Covid-19 information regardless of recipients’ race or political beliefs

A new large-scale randomized evaluation has found that messages delivered by physicians increased knowledge about Covid-19 and use of preventative health measures, like mask-wearing and social distancing, regardless of recipients’ race or political beliefs. This research shows that information...

Study finds physicians are widely effective messengers of Covid-19 information

A recent study by J-PAL affiliates explores how people's behavior in the light of Covid-19 can be influenced with accurate and clear information conveyed by trusted experts, such as physicians.

July 2021 Newsletter

In the July 2021 newsletter, we highlight a new op-ed addressing how deeply unequal access to Covid-19 vaccines may be diminishing trust in high-income countries to meet other promises related to climate change.

India's billionaires got richer while coronavirus pushed millions of vulnerable people into poverty

CNN's article on wealth inequalities as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic in India draws on a recent study by J-PAL researchers on the impact of the pandemic on workers in Bihar and Jharkhand.

Why Insurance Alone May Not Improve Women's Access To Healthcare

A study by J-PAL affiliate and Health sector co-chair Pascaline Dupas of the Rajasthan government's Bhamashah health insurance program for low-income households reveals findings about health insurance cover and gender inequality in access to subsidized healthcare.

Surat’s emission trading scheme to be replicated in Ahmedabad: CM Rupani

J-PAL researchers and the Gujarat Pollution Control Board are spearheading an emissions trading system in Gujarat, India to reduce pollution and improve air quality.

June 2021 North America Newsletter

J-PAL North America's June newsletter features a staff essay on how governments prioritize evidence in recovery solutions; an update of our Mobility from Poverty Learning Agenda to include Covid-19 research priorities; and a blog post sharing key insights from our May "Health Care Delivery...

Why Evidence Should Be a Priority in Pandemic Recovery

J-PAL North America's Rohit Naimpally writes about the opportunity to leverage evidence-based approaches to address long-term systemic challenges in state and local governments.