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Addressing the generalizability puzzle

How can policymakers draw on the available evidence, both from their local context and from the global base of impact evaluations in other locations, to make the most informed decision about which programs to support? Mary Ann Bates and Rachel Glennerster set out a practical generalizability...

WFP And J-PAL Partner To Promote Child Growth And Immunization In Moyamba District

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and J-PAL Africa are partnering on a program to promote children’s health in Moyamba district, one of the districts in Sierra Leone most affected by chronic malnutrition.

Did applying for financial aid just get harder?

The Department of Education and Internal Revenue Service have announced that a critical tool that helps students complete financial aid applications will be suspended until this fall. In an opinion piece for the Hechinger Report, J-PAL North America Executive Director Quentin Palfrey explains why...