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The Impact of a Simple Savings Device on Meeting Planned and Unplanned Expenses in Niger

Markus Goldstein
Michael O'Sullivan
Melita Sawyer
Researchers conducted a randomized evaluation to test the impact of a savings lockbox, or SMS reminders, on household saving, spending, and the ability to cope with negative shocks in rural Niger. Take-up and usage of the lockbox were high, and while the lockbox intervention did not affect overall...

Promoting Safe Sex Among Adolescents in Tanzania

Jennifer Muz
Researchers, in partnership with BRAC, are conducting a randomized evaluation with both male and female adolescents in Tanzania to identify the differential impacts of demand side and supply side interventions and to better understand the role males play in affecting sexual and reproductive health...

Leveraging Referrals to Improve Targeting for Agricultural Training in Bangladesh

Researchers tested whether referrals by past trainees—both with and without incentives—improved the effectiveness of an agricultural training. Overall, the training increased adoption rates and improved agricultural performance. Referred farmers were only slightly more likely to adopt than those...

Preventing Homelessness Among Youth and Families with Children

Researchers evaluated the impact of case management and immediate financial assistance compared to only financial assistance on housing and health outcomes for youth and families with children.

The Impact of an Emissions Trading Scheme on Economic Growth and Air Quality in India

In India, researchers evaluated the impact of the first emissions trading scheme for particulate matter on air quality, industry compliance costs, and industry profits. Compliance with the market was high, and participating firms substantially reduced their particulate matter emissions without large...