

Parcourez les articles de presse, médias en ligne, blogs, podcasts et vidéos sur notre travail et la recherche de nos affiliés, ainsi que nos communiqués et lettres d'information, par année. Nous invitons les médias à nous contacter par courriel

USAID Launches New Collaboration With Leading Evidence Organizations to Improve Agency Cost-Effectiveness

A global consortium will leverage a Nobel Prize-winning approach to guide the fight against global poverty.

November 2024 North America Newsletter

J-PAL North America's November newsletter features updates from J-PAL North America’s Economics of Decarbonization Working Group, a new blog series on null results, and the 2024 LEVER Evaluation Incubator partner announcement.

Climate Vault's Greenstone on the Economics of Carbon: ESG Currents

Professor Michael Greenstone discusses his research on pricing the social cost of carbon and Climate Vault's efforts to create a more robust market for carbon credits.

AI for Social Good

We need rigorous impact evaluations of AI in the social sector to ensure that it promotes social welfare.

J-PAL North America announces new evaluation incubator collaborators from state and local governments

Selected LEVER collaborators will work with the organization to develop an evaluation of their respective programs that alleviate poverty.

Infosys Science Foundation announces prize winners for 2024

The Infosys Prize 2024 in Economics is awarded to Arun Chandrasekhar, Professor, Department of Economics, Stanford University, for his contribution to the study of social and economic networks, using innovative data sets and drawing on theoretical methods from machine learning and computer science.

Soft Skills: The missing piece in employability

To harness potential of its youth, India must reimagine employability, particularly in context of AI, and invest in teaching methods that leverage technology

November 2024 Newsletter

In the November 2024 newsletter celebrate the Nobel Prize in Economics, learn about training civil servants on impact evaluations in Côte d'Ivoire, and read how credible skills signals can improve employment and earnings for job seekers.