

Parcourez les articles de presse, médias en ligne, blogs, podcasts et vidéos sur notre travail et la recherche de nos affiliés, ainsi que nos communiqués et lettres d'information, par année. Nous invitons les médias à nous contacter par courriel

An Interview with Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak, Professor of Economics – Yale University

In an interview with the Business Recorder, J-PAL Affiliate Mushfiq Mobarak talks about RCTs he has conducted in Bangladesh and Pakistan as well as the impacts Covid19 is having on poverty alleviation efforts in both countries.

October 2020 North America Newsletter

In J-PAL North America's October 2020 newsletter, we explore the research behind get-out-the-vote tactics with Don Green, share a new Covid-19 response learning agenda, and spotlight Alicia Sasser Modestino's research on combating the opioid crisis.

A Better Education for All During—and After—the COVID-19 Pandemic

Research from the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) and its partners shows how to help children learn amid erratic access to schools during a pandemic, and how those solutions may make progress toward the Sustainable Development Goal of ensuring a quality education for all by 2030.

October 2020 Newsletter

J-PAL launches a new handbook on Using Administrative Data for Research and Evidence-based Policy in the October 2020 Newsletter.

Mission Karmayogi: An ambitious plan to bolster State capacity

Covid-19 has highlighted the importance of state capacity and the primacy of governments in providing their citizens effective means to deal with the impact of the crisis. An important lever for improving public administration during and beyond the crisis is improving the quality of decisions made...

Tutoring: A time-tested solution to an unprecedented pandemic

An evidence review put forth by J-PAL points to the proven capability of well-targeted tutoring programs to reduce long-standing educational disparities that have been aggravated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

New research shows tutoring can improve academic outcomes, mental health

A new study by U of T Mississauga economist Philip Oreopoulos shows that one-on-one and small group tutoring consistently improves academic achievements, offering important insight into ways to assist students struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic.

J-PAL North America launches MIT Roybal Center for Translational Research to Improve Health Care for the Aging

Center will work with affiliated researchers to test low-cost, high-impact behavioral interventions to improve health-care delivery and health outcomes for aging adults in the United States.