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Chess Training and Skills Development for Primary School Students in Bangladesh

Researchers in rural Bangladesh introduced a thirty-hour chess training program for grade 5 students to evaluate the impact of chess training on cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes, such as math scores, risk taking, patience, attention, and creativity. While the chess program had an unclear effect...

Formal Rainfall Insurance for the Informally Insured in India

Mark Rosenzweig
Researchers evaluated how informal insurance within Indian sub-castes affects the demand for formal rainfall insurance, and subsequent risk-taking among households employed in agriculture. Informal insurance both increased and decreased the demand for formal rainfall insurance, depending on the...

Afghanistan Targeting the Ultra-Poor Impact Evaluation

In Afghanistan, researchers evaluated the impact of a Targeting the Ultra Poor program on poverty reduction. The cost-effective program generated large positive impacts for women participants across key outcomes: consumption, assets, psychological well-being, total time spent working, financial...