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The Impact of Peer Messaging to Combat the Spread of Covid-19 in Zambia

Researchers conducted a randomized evaluation in Zambia to test the impact of a peer-based information campaign, consisting of SMS messages and small cash incentives, on people’s adherence to Covid-19 health protocols. Participants forwarded public health SMSs when they were encouraged to do so, yet...

Efficacité des incitations aux prestataires de service pour lutter contre l’anémie en Chine rurale

Patricia Foo
Renfu Luo
Reynaldo Martorell
Alexis Medina
Scott Rozelle
Yaojiang Shi
Sean Sylvia
Linxiu Zhang
Qiran Zhao

More School Resources, Better Teacher Incentives, or Both to Improve Student Learning in Tanzania

Constantine Manda
Rakesh Rajani
Youdi Schipper
Researchers evaluated the impact of providing schools with an unconditional cash grant, a teacher incentive program, or both on student learning. The cash grant had no impact on student learning, while the teacher incentive program had mixed results. However, combining both programs together had an...