

Parcourez les articles de presse, médias en ligne, blogs, podcasts et vidéos sur notre travail et la recherche de nos affiliés, ainsi que nos communiqués et lettres d'information, par année. Nous invitons les médias à nous contacter par courriel

February 2021 Newsletter

In the February 2021 Newsletter, we highlight the effect of Covid-19 on women's work, the King Climate Action Initiative's inaugural funding competition, and the potential of Computer-Assisted Learning technology to rebuild students’ foundational skills after the pandemic.

How Poverty Makes Workers Less Productive

NPR featured a randomized evaluation by J-PAL affiliates on whether financial concerns make workers less productive. The evaluation was conducted over a couple weeks at a factory in Odisha, India. The workers at the factory make disposable plates used at local eateries. When the researchers...

January 2021 North America Newsletter

J-PAL North America's January newsletter recaps a recent webinar on state and local responses to climate change, highlights new research on how improved Covid-19 messaging can help address racial health disparities, and showcases a new research resources library.

A pandemic, an infodemic, and the fear of vaccination

Shreya Chaturvedi from J-PAL South Asia writes about government preparation for Covid-19 vaccination drives. While governments prepare for Covid-19 vaccination drives, sharing information strategically can promote behavioral changes and influence public opinion. In addition to traditional messaging...

Why It’s So Hard to Cut Waste in Health Care

During the pandemic, people have been getting less medical treatment. This saves money but could harm their health, according to J-PAL affiliate Amy Finkelstein citing a J-PAL briefcase.

January 2021 Newsletter

J-PAL reflects on the last year, including achievements, hardships from the Covid-19 pandemic, and how it will continue to build on lessons learned in 2021.

Education in 2021: Perspectives from Botswana

The Teaching at the Right Level approach — delivered both in schools and its principles delivered virtually through mobile phones — is a way to address the learning crisis and build back better to enable all children to achieve foundational learning. In Botswana, researchers were able to rapidly...

Poverty Pioneers

Alison Fahey and Adam Osman from J-PAL MENA share their thoughts on the role of philanthropy in building a culture of evidence use. The interview with Philanthropy Age covers the motivation behind launching J-PAL, J-PAL's approach to generating and using evidence, as well as pathways from research...