
Nous organisons des événements, conférences, séminaires en ligne et ateliers de formation dans le monde entier pour les chercheurs, les décideurs politiques et les acteurs de terrain. 

Upcoming Events

Participants Discuss at a Workshop

CLEAR/J-PAL South Asia’s Executive Education: Evaluating Social Programs 2024

Organisé par:
Bengaluru, India
Evaluating Social Programs (ESP) 2024 is a three-day in-person course that explores the use of monitoring and evaluation to drive sustainable social impact at scale.
A woman is feeding her child while he is being carried by his father
Workshop or Training

J-PAL LAC Early Work Seminars 2nd Edition: Early Childhood Development Programs

- (8-10am EST)
J-PAL Latin America and the Caribbean's second edition of the Early Work Seminars is dedicated to supporting the research of scholars working on randomized impact evaluations in the region. Scholars working on impact evaluations of early childhood development or education programs in LAC are welcome...

Past Events

A girl in a classroom

Séminaire de Partage des Preuves sur L'inclusion Économique des Jeunes

Organisé par:
- (4:30-11:30am EDT)
Rabat, Maroc et en ligne
Le séminaire abordera la question de l'inclusion économique des jeunes, à travers trois panels réunissant des décideurs politiques et des universitaires de haut niveau.
Group of older adults exercising

NBER and MIT Roybal Centers Joint Virtual Meeting

Virtual via Zoom
In partnership with the NBER Roybal Center, the MIT Roybal Center will host a virtual meeting featuring presentations of completed pilot projects and office hours with Center principal investigators.
8 de marzo de 2022. Expresión seria mujer joven usando una bufanda púrpura

Midiendo el empoderamiento: lecciones de una evaluación para fortalecer la agencia económica de las mujeres y cambiar las normas de género

- (10-11:15am EDT)
En vivo vía Zoom
Las normas de género imponen expectativas de comportamiento y roles que influyen en la participación de las mujeres en el mercado laboral. Aunque parecen a menudo inmodificables, existe evidencia de que estas normas pueden cambiar. ¿Estamos preparados para medir estos cambios?. Este 31 de mayo a las...
Woman at sewing machine speaking with a customer

Gender Norms and Women's Work

- (10am-12:30pm EDT)
To add to ongoing discourse on gender norms and women’s work, this policy event brings together different stakeholders working to shift gender norms and attitudes on women’s work. These include policymakers, universities, think tanks, implementing organizations, and development agencies, among...
A youth works at a laptop while writing down notes.
Lecture Series

Inclusion économique des jeunes : Améliorer la recherche d'emploi et l'embauche dans un contexte d'information limitée

Organisé par:
- (11am-12:30pm EDT)
En ligne, via Zoom
Dans le cadre des séminaires de recherche du Morocco Employment Lab, ce webinaire présentera comment les frictions de l'information affectent à la fois le comportement des entreprises et des demandeurs d'emploi et discutera de la façon dont cela pourrait informer la conception de meilleurs...
Respondent filling out an online survey during the Raskin Reform evaluation in Mataram City, Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat province, Indonesia

From Research to Action: Data Sharing for Policy and Program Evaluation

- (3-4:30am EDT)
This webinar will discuss the role of data in supporting evidence-informed policymaking. We will delve into successful cases of data sharing, explore questions on how to ease the process of data sharing, and challenges surrounding data security and data privacy.
Fishermen at Padar Island, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia

From Research to Action: The Collaboration between Policymakers and Academics

- (16 mai 2022, 9:30-11pm EDT)
The webinar will discuss the role of academics and think tanks in supporting the Government of Indonesia to design policies and programs. We will discuss the importance of fostering a mutually-aligned interest between academia and policymakers, and share challenges and opportunities that might arise...