Excessive water use generates negative impacts on the environment, and many urban utilities structure pricing in order to discourage wasteful consumption of this resource. Researchers partnered with a water utility in Zambia to test and identify the best mechanisms to encourage water conservation. They found that targeting incentives to higher household water consumers might be an effective way to reduce water consumption.
Sustainable growth requires the management of scarce natural resources. Water scarcity, for example, is a pressing problem, particularly in arid and semiarid countries. Many urban utilities have adopted different pricing structures, such as charging a greater price at higher levels of consumption, as a way to discourage wasteful water usage. The effectiveness of these strategies, however, will depend on the behavior of all members in the household.
Each person inside a household enjoys the benefits of consuming water while sharing the costs with other family members through the household’s water bill. Since it is difficult to monitor how much each member consumes, conservation efforts will depend on the extent to which individuals consider how their choices affect other members. Families with less internal cooperation, for example, can be less sensitive to price changes and more likely to over-consume than households that cooperate well with each other. How can policymakers encourage households to collectively reduce their water usage?
The Southern Water and Sewerage Company (SWSC) provides piped water to residents of Livingstone, Zambia. Households are billed based on monthly meter readings and charged according to an increasing block tariff–i.e., past a set level of usage, the price for each additional unit of water increases, and continues to increase at certain levels. At the time of this evaluation, households in the study sample spent around US$9.50 monthly, or 4 percent of their median income, on water.
This evaluation focused on examining water use dynamics between the husband and wife in a household. Husbands paid the water bills in about 53 percent of households, and in about 80 percent, wives used more water than their husbands.
Researchers conducted a randomized evaluation in partnership with SWSC to assess the impact of financial incentives and information on households’ water use. Researchers randomly assigned 1,282 households to one or more of three groups.
In addition to SWSC’s monthly billing data, researchers surveyed households between May and December 2015 to collect data on water use, bill payment responsibilities, and other intra-household dynamics. During this baseline survey, researchers also conducted a behavioral game with the husband and the wife to measure how altruistically spouses behaved towards one another. Each person received either ZMW 20 or ZMW 30 (US$2 or US$3) and decided how to allocate this money; individuals elected how much to keep for themselves, share with their spouses, or send to a water conservation NGO. Spouses who shared more with each other may be more altruistic toward one another or may expect to recover from their spouses more of the money they transferred – which served as a reflection of their behaviors towards water use.
Only the lottery + price information intervention reduced household water use. The price information and provider credibility treatments alone had no impact on water conservation.
Households in which only one individual was offered the chance of winning a lottery–a financial incentive— experienced a reduction in monthly household water consumption of 6.1 percent. This impact was even larger among households in which the lottery information was directed to the non-bill payer (most commonly the wife): a 11.5 percent reduction in water use. However, there was no difference in results if the non-bill payer was male or female. This suggests the lottery created an incentive for non-bill payers to conserve; otherwise, these individuals do not financially benefit from saving less water so do not put in enough effort to conserve water.
These results show that an effective way to reduce water consumption might be to target incentives to higher household water consumers, through technologies or in-kind rewards, rather than changing household level pricing.