Nuestros Socios

Nuestro trabajo no sería posible sin la colaboración y la dedicación de muchos socios. Juntos estamos impulsados ​​por una creencia compartida en el poder de la evidencia científica para comprender lo que realmente funciona en la lucha contra la pobreza.

Nuestro trabajo no sería posible sin la colaboración y la dedicación de muchos socios. Juntos estamos impulsados ​​por una creencia compartida en el poder de la evidencia científica para comprender lo que realmente funciona en la lucha contra la pobreza.

Trabajamos en estrecha colaboración con Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), una organización de investigación sin fines de lucro con programas y oficinas en todo el mundo. Otros socios son: 

  • Organizaciones implementadoras como gobiernos, ONGs, organizaciones multilaterales y empresas que llevan programas que son evaluados por nuestros profesores afiliados, o las cuales utilizan nuestras lecciones de políticas públicas para invertir en programas que han demostrado ser efectivos.
  • Donantes, incluyendo fundaciones y organizaciones bilaterales, que proporcionan fondos para evaluaciones, escalamientos e iniciativas de investigación.
  • Centros de investigación y organizaciones que implementan las evaluaciones aleatorias de nuestros profesores afiliados, incluido el Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA) en la Universidad de California, Berkeley, el Center for Economic Research in Pakistan (CERP), el Crime Lab en la Universidad de Chicago, el Evidence for Policy Desing (EPoD) en Harvard Kennedy School y el IFMR Lead.


Claro is a large telecommunications company in the Dominican Republic.

Clausen Center for International Business and Policy at the University of California Berkeley

The Clausen Center‘s mission is to promote path-breaking scholarly research, enhance teaching in the area of international economics and finance, and make contributions to the policy dialogue on these issues. The Center’s work s organized into four broad areas: financial globalization, international...

Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)

The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) is a global health organization committed to strengthening integrated health systems in the developing world and expanding access to care and treatment for HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis.


Co-Impact is a global philanthropic collaborative focused on improving the lives of millions of people through just and inclusive systems change.

Co-Innovation Center for Social Governance of Urban and Rural Communities

Cogito Foundation

The cogito foundation aims to achieve a better understanding of the scientific way of thinking among the general public. It also strives to show the importance of basic scientific research.

Cohesive India

COHESIVE-India is a flexible collaboration of researchers from a diverse set of institutions, disciplines, and backgrounds. We are comprised of core research staff, and beyond this core, we draw on a broad set of partners on a case-by-case basis. This model gives us both breadth across disciplines...

Colombia National Planning Department (DNP)

The National Planning Department is an agency within the Government of Colombia in charge of defining, recommending and promoting public and economic policy.

Colorado Civic Engagement Roundtable

The Colorado Civic Engagement Roundtable is a non-partisan, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that works together with a network of forty-three other charitable organizations dedicated to achieving an inclusive, engaged, just, and equitable state for all Coloradans.

Colpensiones: Administradora Colombiana de Pensiones

Colpensiones is the public defined-benefit provider of Colombia.

Columbia University

Columbia University is one of the world's most important centers of research and at the same time a distinctive and distinguished learning environment for undergraduates and graduate students in many scholarly and professional fields. It seeks to attract a diverse and international faculty and...

Columbia University Center for Development Economics and Policy (CDEP)

Columbia University Center for Development Economics and Policy (CDEP)

Columbia University Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER)

The Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) at Columbia University focuses on teaching and researching topics in the field of international business.

Columbia University Earth Institute

The Earth Institute works hand-in-hand with academia, corporations, government agencies, nonprofits and individuals to protect the earth's environment and spread social and economic opportunities for all people.

Columbia University Jerome A. Chazen Institute of International Business

The Jerome A. Chazen Institute of International Business within the Columbia Business School supports research to examine cross-cultural issues and their impact on business.

Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores (Mexican Banking Commission)

The Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores (CNBV), or in English, the Mexican Banking Commission, is a regulatory agency in the Mexican government's financial system.

Comisión Nacional de Seguridad

The Comisión Nacional de Seguridad (CNS) is the Mexican government’s institution responsible for maintaining public security, order and peace; safeguarding the people’s rights and personal safety; and preventing crime. The CNS consists of five administrative units: Planning, Prospective and Private...

Commercial Mexicana

Commercial Mexicana is a large Mexican supermarket chain. J-PAL researchers partnered with the Mexican supermarket company to study the impacts of different in-store communication strategies on reducing plastic bag consumption.

Commission of Industry and Information Technology (CIIT)

Researchers partnered with the Commission of Industry and Information Technology (CIIT), the main government department in charge of private sector development, to find firms interested in participating in a monthly meeting program designed to encourage inter-firm relationships.

Commodity Risk Management Group (CRMG)

The Commodity Risk Management Group (CRMG) is the implementing agency for the work of the International Task Force on Commodity Risk Management at the World Bank. CRMG is comprised of commodities experts, financial analysts, training personnel, and derivatives specialists working to make market...