Research Associate, Education, Morocco Innovation and Evaluation Lab, Morocco - UM6P/J-PAL/CID

  • Morocco
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I- Job summary

The Morocco Innovation and Evaluation Lab (MEL) is looking to hire a Research Associate to support the implementation of an impact evaluation conducted by a team of international researchers in partnership with the Ministry of National Education, Preschool and Sports (MENPS). This position will be based in our offices at the University Mohammed VI Polytechnic campus in Rabat.

About the Morocco Innovation and Evaluation Lab (MEL)

The MEL is a collaboration between the University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P), the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty

Action Lab (J-PAL) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Harvard Center for International Development (CID).  The Morocco Innovation and Evaluation Lab emerged from the Morocco Employment Lab, an initiative that was launched in 2020 in partnership with the Millennium Challenge Account - Morocco Agency (MCA-Morocco) and hosted by the Policy Center for the New South. With the support of Community Jameel, the lab is expanding its work beyond employment into sectors such as education, social protection, firm growth, agriculture, and environment.

The MEL works in close collaboration with the public, private, NGO, and philanthropic sectors in Morocco to conduct evaluations that speak to their priorities and share rigorous evidence to inform their decisions.

About the project

The project, implemented by the MEL and the Ministry of National Education, Preschool and Sports (MENPS), aims to assess the impact of teacher training on the quality of teachers‘ teaching practices and student’s’ learning in primary schools implementing the “Pioneer school program”. Through a randomized impact evaluation, the research team will

assess to what extent variations in the delivery and design of the training effect the above-mentioned outcomes of interest.

About the position

The position offers an opportunity to gain first-hand experience in the design and implementation of impact evaluations as well as data collection, management, and analysis, in an organization undertaking cutting-edge development research. Research Associates work closely with academic researchers and other field staff to perform a variety of tasks including, but not limited to: designing survey questionnaires, conducting qualitative research, running pilot tests, refining the design and the survey instruments of the study, managing survey teams, negotiating contracts with survey firms, checking and analyzing data, cleaning data and assisting in the preliminary analysis, assisting in the writing of project reports and policy memos, and coordinating with the local partner running the program under evaluation.

The position is designed to help the selected candidate prepare for graduate-level studies in economics, quantitative education research, and/or further professional opportunities in

Provide the job description as an attachment in addition to the previous step.

II-Key Responsibilities

The Research Associate is responsible for the supervision of the project and its successful implementation in the field, which includes:

  • Propose and, as appropriate, implement innovations in the different stages of a project in coordination with Principal Investigators
  • Maintain and grow effective relationships with partner organizations
  • Oversee and lead the field research activities, including the implementation of the evaluation, according to the research design in coordination with partners
  • Liaising with field staff running the evaluations and collaborating with them including travel to research field sites
  • Conduct background research in conjunction with field research activities
  • Designing survey questionnaires, conducting qualitative research, refining study design and surveying instruments
  • Supervise in person or phone data collection and ensure the good quality of the data
  • Assist with the preparation of administrative databases
  • Assist with data cleaning and preliminary data analysis
  • Any other work assigned by Principal Investigators
  • He/she will also be responsible for ensuring good communication and organization on a daily basis.
  • Facilitate, strengthen and maintain effective and efficient communication as the primary contact point with Principal Investigators.
  • Provide periodic updates on project activities to PIs and subject experts
  • Participate in the planning and design of any outreach activities
  • Ensure that project activities are on schedule and prepare project update reports according to agreements with funders and partners


  • A Master's Degree in economics, public policy, math, statistics or related technical fields including training in microeconomics, econometrics, statistics, and advanced mathematics
  • Graduate-level coursework in economics is a plus
  • Experience with living in Morocco or a developing country is a strong advantage    
  • Previous experience in development research preferred
  • Very strong quantitative, organizational, and communication skills are necessary
  • Fluency in French and Arabic and an excellent command of English (compulsory)
  • Flexible, self-motivating, able to manage multiple tasks efficiently, and a team player
  • Demonstrated ability to manage high-level relationships with partner organizations
  • Prior experience working with large data sets and programming in Stata, SAS, R or other statistical programs is necessary.
  • Familiarity with randomized controlled trials is a strong plus.

Job Description: Research Associate - Education-Explicite - Morocco Innovation and Evaluation Lab, Morocco, EN-new- V 08 10 2024-.docx

Comment candidater

Send an email to [email protected], using the following as the email subject line: full name (first (given) name and last (family) name), followed by job title: “Research Associate, Education-Explicit, Morocco Innovation and Evaluation Lab”. Please attach pdf copies of your CV and cover letter.

Apply through the JPAL Common Application. Given the volume of applications received, only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.