

Noticias, ideas y análisis del equipo de J-PAL y profesores afiliados. Subscríbete a nuestra lista para recibir emails mensuales con actualizaciones.

A man and women look at their mobile phones outside a shop in Kenya.

DigiFI blog series: Deepening our understanding of the digital ID and payment research agenda

Governments across sub-Saharan Africa have been investing in new ways of digitizing financial services and identification systems to improve service delivery and governance and reduce leakages in public programs. Yet, we have limited rigorous evidence on the impacts of these reforms. To fill this...
Four children in sit in the Mindspark lab in India, engaging with a learning program on their computers.

A well CAL-ibrated approach to addressing learning losses in a post-Covid classroom

When schools in India reopen after the pandemic, the learning gap may further widen for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Research suggests personalizing instruction can be one of the most effective ways of improving learning while making judicious use of existing educational resources.
Cars pass each other in traffic

Opportunities for state and local policy responses to climate change: A recap from the State and Local Webinar Series

In this post, J-PAL America highlights key takeaways from the “State and Local Policy Responses to Climate Change” webinar held on October 7, 2020, including the momentum of efforts around climate change and pollution mitigation, examples of current state and local interventions, and opportunities...
Michael Eddy speaks with a microphone in front of two whiteboards with notes on them

Michael Eddy, J-PAL ‘10, on using evidence to support high-impact organizations

We caught up with Michael Eddy, formerly of the research teams at J-PAL South Asia and J-PAL Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). After an exciting early career in results-based financing and social impact investing, Michael now advises major foundations, aid organizations, and social enterprises...
Caitlin Tulloch stands alone on a dangling bridge in a forest

Caitlin Tulloch, J-PAL ‘13, on innovation in cost-effectiveness analyses and building effective policy partnerships

Caitlin Tulloch joined J-PAL Global in 2009, where she played a central role in building the infrastructure for our policy efforts, establishing our approach to cost-effectiveness analysis, and building partnerships with policymakers. Now the associate director of Best Use of Resources at the...
A group photo of J-PAL's senior management team

Adapting to a changing world

J-PAL Global Executive Director Iqbal Dhaliwal reflects on 2020 and how J-PAL will continue to build on lessons learned during this challenging year in his annual letter.
A woman at a desk with a baby on her lap looks at her laptop screen while the baby plays

The challenges of childcare in a pandemic and the impact on women’s work

As the COVID-19 pandemic spread, 99 percent of the world’s 2.36 billion children faced some restrictions on movement, and 60 percent faced lockdown measures. With many schools and daycare facilities closed, who is taking care of the children?
A screenshot from a J-PAL NA Zoom meeting featuring 25 people

J-PAL North America's reflections on 2020

J-PAL North America Executive Director Mary Ann Bates reflects on the last year in this post.