

Noticias, ideas y análisis del equipo de J-PAL y profesores afiliados. Subscríbete a nuestra lista para recibir emails mensuales con actualizaciones.

Men and women are lined up outside holding boxes containing food aid.

Covid-19-induced crises of hunger and poverty require bold, effective international response

The Biden Administration has affirmed its commitment to work with other countries and multilateral institutions to combat Covid-19 to advance global health security. We commend this spirit of partnership and we urge similar bold, evidence-informed global action to tackle the accompanying crises of...
Teacher with child

¿Qué hemos aprendido de la evaluación rigurosa de políticas sociales en Europa?

Los investigadores afiliados a la red de J-PAL han conducido más de ochenta evaluaciones aleatorizadas de programas y políticas sociales, algunas de estas aún en curso, en veinte países de Europa, con un enfoque particular en los ámbitos educativo y laboral.
Eine Erzieherin beschäftigt sich mit einem Kind im Rahmen eines frühkindlichen Programms in Frankreich.

Sozialpolitische Maßnahmen in Europa im Test: Was können wir lernen?

Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des J-PAL Netzwerks haben bisher über 80 laufende oder abgeschlossene randomisierte Evaluationen sozialpolitischer Maßnahmen, mit besonderem Fokus auf Bildung und Arbeitsmärkte, in 20 europäischen Ländern durchgeführt. Im Folgenden stellen wir eine...
Session d’accompagnement à Paris (France).

Évaluations rigoureuses des politiques sociales en Europe: quelles leçons en tirer?

Les chercheurs affiliés au réseau J-PAL ont mené plus de 80 études randomisées pour évaluer l’impact de programmes et politiques sociales dans vingt pays européens, en particulier dans les domaines de l’éducation et de l'emploi. Une synthèse des résultats de ces évaluations, ainsi que les pistes de...
Teacher with child

Cosa abbiamo imparato fino ad oggi grazie a valutazioni rigorose di impatto di politiche sociali in Europa

I ricercatori della rete di J-PAL hanno condotto più di 80 studi randomizzati di progetti e politiche sociali in 20 paesi europei, di cui 5 in Italia, in particolare nei campi dell’educazione e del mercato del lavoro. J-PAL Europe ha pubblicato un riassunto dei risultati principali di questa ricerca...
Young students raising their hands

Ce am învățat din testarea riguroasă a politicilor sociale în Europa?

J-PAL este un centru de cercetare axat pe reducerea sărăciei ce are ca obiectiv promovarea politicilor publice bazate pe dovezi științifice. Constituit dintr-o rețea formată din 225 de profesori afiliați la universități din întreaga lume, J-PAL efectuează evaluări de impact randomizate pentru a...
Teacher with child

Rigorous testing of social policies in Europe: What are we learning?

Researchers in the J-PAL network have conducted over 80 ongoing or completed randomized evaluations of social programs and policies across 20 European countries, with a particular focus on education and labor markets. J-PAL Europe has launched a summary of insights generated from this research.
Researchers from monitor carbon in peat swamp

King Climate Action Initiative’s first round of projects: Testing and scaling climate solutions

J-PAL's King Climate Action Initiative announced the results of its first competition aimed at identifying innovative solutions at the intersection of poverty and climate change, serving as a critical first step in building a longer playbook of evidence-based and cost-effective climate change...