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People wait in line to make a transaction

Creating learning opportunities all along the bureaucratic ladder

  • Siddarth Pandit
Siddarth Pandit explains how Creating Learning Opportunities for Public Officials (C-LOP), hosted by J-PAL South Asia, seeks to transform the Indian state’s execution capacity by helping government organizations and officials acquire and improve upon the requisite skills to be successful in their...
A hand holding a small card resting on top of a bag of rice and a bag of fruit.

The role of administrative data in improving social protection programs: A success story from Indonesia

Read about a collaboration between the Government of Indonesia and researchers to use government administrative data to evaluate some of the largest social programs in the country.
A woman sits and smiles

A five-question women’s agency index created using machine learning and qualitative interviews

Women’s agency, or their ability to make and act on their choices for their lives, is an important concept in research and policy related to gender equality. Many policies aim to increase women’s agency, which could be a means for them to improve their health, economic security, and decision-making...
People wearing masks stand in a line.

Growth is not enough

With an abundance of important and sometimes surprising findings from studies of socioeconomic interventions in recent decades, it is clear that development in the absence of evidence-based policymaking is a fool's errand. The small details matter as much as—and sometimes more than—the economic big...
A healthcare worker uses an infrared thermometer to take a woman's temperature

Closing the Covid trust deficit

Economists have developed an emerging body of evidence that holds important lessons for overcoming COVID-19 information constraints, combating misinformation, and building trust in health systems. These insights may also help to improve delivery and increase uptake of COVID-19 vaccines. This op-ed...
A close-up picture of a card reader

Tantangan dan pembelajaran untuk memperkuat jaringan agen perbankan laku pandai di Indonesia

  • Gianmarco León-Ciliotta
  • Firman Witoelar
  • Grace Retnowati
  • Raunak Kapoor
Jaringan Agen Layanan Keuangan Tanpa Kantor dalam Rangka Keuangan Inklusif (Laku Pandai) diluncurkan pada tahun 2014 dengan misi mengakselerasi inklusi keuangan di Indonesia. Jaringan agen ini menjadi perpanjangan tangan bank untuk memberikan layanan keuangan pada masyarakat yang tinggal di daerah...
A close-up picture of a card reader

Strengthening Indonesia’s branchless banking agent network: Challenges and lessons from evidence

  • Gianmarco León-Ciliotta
  • Firman Witoelar
  • Grace Retnowati
  • Raunak Kapoor
Read this recap of J-PAL SEA's Inclusive Financial Innovation Initiative's webinar on Banking the unbanked: The effects of agents’ financial incentives and transparency in increasing the take-up and usage of financial products.
Government officials stand on steps

Taking action on state and local policy priorities

This past fall, the J-PAL North America State and Local Innovation Initiative hosted a series of webinars to discuss how state and local governments can use lessons from randomized evaluations to address these timely policy challenges. The initiative seeks to take action on the conversations from...