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Workers in construction helmets stand around a stack of boxes.

J-PAL LAC traz a Iniciativa de Empregos e Oportunidades ao Brasil

A crise da Covid-19 exacerba os desafios do mercado de trabalho no Brasil. Mais do que nunca, precisamos desenvolver soluções de política pública efetivas e baseadas em evidências. Em parceria com a Fundação Arymax, a B3 Social, a Potencia Ventures e o Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento, o J...
Workers in construction helmets stand around a stack of boxes.

J-PAL LAC brings the Jobs and Opportunity Initiative to Brazil

The Covid-19 crisis has exacerbated labor market challenges in Brazil. More so than ever, we need evidence-based solutions. With support from Fundação Arymax, B3 Social, Potencia Ventures, and the Inter-American Development Bank, J-PAL is bringing the Jobs and Opportunity Initiative (JOI Brazil) to...
Sweta Suman stands on a stage and speaks to an audience

Alumni Voices from Government: Sweta Suman ‘18, Indian Administrative Service

  • Sweta Suman
Formerly a research associate at J-PAL South Asia, Sweta Suman ‘18 is now training to become an officer in the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), where she will implement and eventually shape development policy in India. She describes her experience at J-PAL and the path to becoming an IAS officer...
Laura Feeney sits on a stool in front of a camera

Lessons learned in collecting data for government and randomized evaluations

Laura Feeney, Associate Director of Research and Training for J-PAL North America, recounts how her time as an economist at the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics helped prepare her for the realities of implementing randomized evaluations.
Jasmine Shah stands among a crowd of people looking at an electric vehicle battery swapping facility.

Alumni Voices from Government: Jasmine Shah ‘16, Dialogue and Development Commission, Delhi Government

  • Jasmine Shah
Formerly the deputy director of J-PAL South Asia, Jasmine Shah ‘16 now leads public policy design and implementation at the Dialogue and Development Commission within the Delhi government. He describes the transition from J-PAL to government in this post in our Alumni Voices from Government series.
Hana speaks at a podium in front of a banner

Bringing data into Moroccan policymaking

In this post, Hana Lakhdar Gazal (Deputy Director, Morocco Employment Lab) describes her past work with the Moroccan government to institutionalize data-driven policymaking and how it inspired her to pursue this further at J-PAL.
A map of the world with dots showing the location of various J-PAL alumni working in government.

Leading government systems change from within

At J-PAL, our people are the real drivers of our impact. Many J-PAL alumni go on to occupy positions in governments worldwide, where they advocate for evidence use in decision-making from within. Learn about the civil servants among our current and former staff in our new Alumni Voices from...
Axelle Charpentier sits in behind a desk in her office.

Alumni Voices from Government: Axelle Charpentier '14, French Ministry of Education

Formerly a research manager at J-PAL Europe, Axelle Charpentier '14 now leads education policy and practice research at the French Ministry of Education. She describes her journey from J-PAL to government in this post in the Alumni Voices from Government series.