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Man reaching out hand to use ATM

BAE Incubator partner series, part one: Evaluating the impact of cash transfers on housing stability

Cash transfers are an increasingly popular form of support, but there is a need for further evaluation in the context of homelessness reduction and prevention in the United States. J-PAL is committed to expanding this research base through our ongoing partnerships.
Chuka Ezeoguine stands in front of Killian Court on the MIT campus in Cambridge, MA.

J-PAL Africa Intern Spotlight: Chuka Ezeoguine’s journey pivoting to development economics from engineering

Chuka Ezeoguine is a 2021 J-PAL Africa intern who majored in engineering for his undergraduate degree, but had a keen interest in policy and pursued this passion. In this post, he talks about the steps he took to pivot to the field of development economics and his strides within our organization as...
Paraguayan saleswoman in front of clothing market

Estrategias para apoyar a las micro empresarias de Latinoamérica y el Caribe, basadas en la evidencia

En Latinoamérica y el Caribe, una de cada tres mujeres que realiza trabajo remunerado trabaja en forma independiente. A pesar de ello, las microempresarias enfrentan numerosas barreras para dirigir negocios exitosos, que pueden variar entre países. Un creciente cuerpo de literatura sugiere que los...
African woman selling in a local market while using her mobile phone.

The challenges of targeting social protection programs

Delivering social benefits to people living in poverty in low- and middle-income countries can be particularly challenging as governments are unable to observe or measure the income of individuals and small businesses. How can these countries possibly identify the poorest in society in the absence...
A person stands at a protest for women's rights.

Usando y (generando) evidencia para enfrentar la violencia en la pareja en Latinoamérica y el Caribe

Debido a los efectos nocivos de la Violencia de Pareja (VP), es imperativo modificar los factores interpersonales, sociales e institucionales relacionados con la prevalencia e intensidad de este problema. Esta publicación del blog muestra algunas intervenciones con potencial de impacto positivo como...
Four panelists sit in front of a screen, while one person presents

Promoting healthy behaviors and family planning in Egypt: A recap from the Global Evidence for Egypt Spotlight Seminar

J-PAL MENA at AUC co-hosted a seminar with UNICEF Egypt on February 22, 2022 to share global evidence on fertility and family planning to promote healthy behaviors and curb population growth in Egypt. This seminar was the fifth in a broader Global Evidence for Egypt Spotlight Seminar Series.
Masked students sit at desks in a classroom.

J-PAL South Asia launches ASPIRE with US$6.3 million grant from Veddis Foundation to strengthen the culture of evidence-based policymaking in India

J-PAL South Asia’s efforts to promote policymaking based on scientific evidence and data in India has received a major boost with the launch of the Alliance for Scaling Policy Impact through Research and Evidence (ASPIRE) in partnership with the Veddis Foundation.
Podcasters are seen gathered at the Bokolmanyo refugee camp, in Bokolmanyo, Ethiopia. (Photo courtesy Dr Vandana Sharma)

End the pandemic of violence against women

To end violence against women and girls requires effective prevention strategies that target its root causes. Such programs address pervasive inequalities and power differentials—especially gender norms that justify and normalize violence against women and girls.