Government and Civil Society Organizations currently partnering with ASPIRE to scale up evidence-based programs


Lives positively affected by scale‑up programs supported by ASPIRE


Co-funding from government for evidence‑based programs thus far



The Alliance for Scaling Policy Impact through Research and Evidence (ASPIRE) is a coalition of governments, philanthropic organizations, civil society groups, and research institutions hosted by J-PAL South Asia. ASPIRE is working to scale up effective programs that tackle some of India’s biggest development challenges.

We believe that long-term, multi-stakeholder partnerships are essential to solving systemic policy problems, and bring meaningful changes in the lives of people.

Our approach combines acquiring a deep understanding of the policy priorities of governments through engaged research, with extensive on-ground fieldwork to design policy solutions for driving impact at scale.


How we do this

We identify solutions which have been rigorously tested and shown promising results in India and across the world. We then unpack the ingredients and factors that will enable effective adaptation of these solutions to new contexts.

Our team builds partnerships with governments, academia, and civil society organizations for the systematic integration of evidence-based solutions into policymaking.

We enable our government and civil society partners to lead the implementation of evidence-based social programs by providing insights from the field, documenting best practices on implementation, and building knowledge products to share policy learnings from the program on a wider platform.


Government partners

Ministry of Rural Development

JEEViKA, Government of Bihar

Department of Education, Government of Karnataka

Department of School Education, Punjab

Gujarat Pollution Control Board

Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

Madhya Pradesh Police

Directorate of Education, Daman and Diu

Department of School Education, Tamil Nadu

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Andhra Pradesh

Department of School and Mass Education, Odisha

Technical and implementing partners


Bandhan Konnagar


The Nudge Institute

Pratham Education Foundation


Key Education Foundation

Youth Impact

EPIC India

Funding partner

Veddis Foundation

Government Funding Allocated to ASPIRE projects

Catalytic Philanthropic commitments to ASPIRE