Economics Transformation Project (ETP)
In collaboration with researchers and partner organizations, ETP provides workshops and resources for high schoolers, undergraduate and predoctoral students, and research professionals historically excluded by the field of economics, including Black, Latino/a/e, Indigenous, low-income, and female-identifying students and professionals. Programming is designed to spark interest in economics for high schoolers, build technical skills for undergraduate and predoctoral students, and support research professionals in conducting randomized evaluations, aiming to foster inclusion at every stage. ETP’s suite of programs offer insights into the applications and impacts of applied economic research, including randomized evaluations, and equip students and professionals with the necessary information, skills, and networks to progress in the field of economics and engage with randomized evaluations.
Research professionals program
The field of economics influences policies across education, criminal justice, entrepreneurship, housing, labor markets, and more. Despite this far-reaching influence, economics as a field historically has not represented the full spectrum of identities and viewpoints in society, detracting from the relevance of the field’s research questions, the strength of its findings, and the policies it impacts. Structural barriers throughout academic and professional pathways in economics systematically disadvantage Black, Latino/a/e, Indigenous, low-income, female-identifying students, and students with other minoritized identities, resulting in their exclusion, and often departure from, the profession. ETP aims to contribute to a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive field of economics by providing historically excluded scholars with inclusive supports to thrive at every stage of learning and advancement.

Introduction to economics workshops
Offered through partnerships with high schools and college access programs, ETP workshops disrupt the way economics is traditionally taught by focusing instruction on student-led interests. Through beginner and intermediate mini-lectures and hands-on activities, students learn how data and economic methods are used to address pressing social problems that they identify and care about. We share information on different pathways and careers within the field of economics and resources to further explore and engage with economics tools generally, and randomized evaluations specifically. We are currently in the process of restructuring our high school programming model and have currently paused high school workshops. We look forward to introducing a revamped model in the future. In the meantime, please check out these economics resources for high school students.
Custom trainings
Offered through partnerships with peer organizations, these workshops dive deeper into how to leverage economics and program evaluation tools for social impact. Students get hands-on experience designing a randomized evaluation on a self-identified subject and receive feedback from J-PAL staff. We share information on different pathways and careers within the field of economics and resources to further explore and engage with economics tools.
If you (or your organization) are working to improve diversity and inclusion within the field of economics, and you are interested in a customized training or workshop, please contact Jatnna Amador at [email protected].
Invitations to Research Staff Training
ETP awards scholarships to Research Staff Training (RST) to several undergraduate and predoctoral scholars from partner organizations to learn the theoretical and technical aspects of conducting randomized evaluations.
ETP hosts convenings to reflect, identify areas of growth, and highlight the work of our partners.
Partner Perspectives: Reflecting on efforts to diversify the field of economics at all levels
ETP collaborates closely with organizations who are also working to expand access to educational resources for all students.
Partnership Examples
Summer Search Boston
Summer Search Boston provides year-round group and individual mentoring, transformational summer experiences, and post-secondary preparations and advising for Boston-area youth. ETP partners with Summer Search Boston to provide introduction to economics workshops for high school students on the MIT campus.
Excel Academy Charter Schools
ETP has partnered with Excel Academy in Boston to provide introduction to economics workshops for high school students on the MIT campus.
The Sadie Collective
The Sadie Collective addresses the pipeline and pathway problem for Black women in economics, finance, data science, and policy through programming and advocacy. ETP has partnered with the Sadie Collective to offer a workshop series on conducting randomized evaluations to undergraduate and graduate students and professionals.
American Economic Association Summer Training Program (AEASP)
Since 1974, the AEA Summer Training Program and Scholarship Program have increased diversity in the field of economics by preparing talented undergraduates for doctoral programs in economics and related disciplines. ETP has hosted information sessions at the AEASP seminar series to introduce students to J-PAL and randomized controlled trials (RCTs).
In a four-part blog series, we explore the collaborative nature of ETP and celebrate the exciting work of our partners:
Get Involved
If you have any questions about the Economics Transformation Project, are interested in partnering with us, or would like to learn more, please contact [email protected].
Additional Resources
Further reading
- Why a lack of diversity is hurting economics
- An open letter to economic institutions in the face of #BlackLivesMatter
- The pipeline problem for Black women in economics
- Economics, dominated by white men, is roiled by Black Lives Matter
- The Research in Color Foundation: Diversifying economics through mentoring and financial support
- The Sadie Collective: Addressing the pipeline & pathway problem for economics and related fields
- How You Can Work to Increase the Presence and Improve the Experience of Black, Latinx, and Native American People in the Economics Profession
- Wantchekon leads new effort to propel Black students into top economics PhD programs
- A conversation with Research in Color on the importance of mentorship in the economics profession
- Economist Lisa Cook being on Joe Biden’s transition team is a win for Black girls
- Why are there so few Black economists at the Fed?
- For women in economics, the hostility is out in the open
- Howard University and WISER awarded $1.9 million grant from the Peterson Foundation to support increased diversity in the field of economics
- Banks publishes book on Sadie Alexander, first Black American to earn economics PhD
- Reaching our full potential: The importance of people and ideas to advance diversity and inclusion in the economics profession